Top Gun is a 501C-7 non-profit organization. This requires us to collect annual dues from our members. We utilize these funds to support our teams and members during their time with us.
What your dues go towards
Awards Banquet
We put on an annual awards banquet for all of our teams where we enjoy a night reminiscing on our seasons and recognizing our standout athletes of the year.
SSUSA Worlds Registration
At the end of each year TG will give each of our teams a stipend to apply to their SSUSA Worlds Tournament in Las Vegas.
Organization Functions
Top Gun is more than an organization, we are a family and as so we like to put on events to get our teams together to relax and have fun.

Looking to Join a Team?
We have teams in all age brackets ranging from 50 AAA to 85M. Click the link below to view all of our teams and get manager contact information.